The Era of the Re-Creation of God's Kingdom Has Begun
(Revelation 21, 7, 14, 15)
It has been about 2,000 years since the Book of Revelation was written, yet no one in heaven or on earth has understood its meaning. However, the Bible warns that if anyone adds to or subtracts from this book, they will not enter the kingdom of heaven but will instead face curses (plagues). From what I have seen, both the leaders of churches around the world and their members have added to and subtracted from it. If they have done so, then none of them can enter heaven. Will you acknowledge this truth?
Today, in the time of the fulfillment of Revelation, we are living in the era of re-creation, the time when God and Jesus return. At this time, Jesus opens the sealed book of Revelation, fulfills its prophecies, and selects a farmer to witness all the events described in Revelation. He then feeds this chosen person the opened (revealed) book and commands him to go to the churches and testify to what he has seen and heard (Revelation 10, Revelation 22:8, 16). Do theological scholars and pastors believe this? Do they know this person?
Have they not added to or subtracted from the Book of Revelation, which must not be altered? If they have done so, then both the pastors and their followers will be cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur. Is this a lie? In the past, those who awaited the Savior (Messiah) at the time of the First Coming saw Jesus and labeled him a heretic, persecuting him. Today, will those who are ignorant of the New Testament's Revelation similarly call the messenger sent by Jesus (the promised pastor of the New Testament) a heretic, just as they did during the First Coming?
The destruction of Jerusalem described in Matthew 24 and the destroyer standing in the holy place occurred because of the wrongdoing (corruption and false testimony) of Jerusalem's leaders. Matthew 24 explains that when the corrupt Jerusalem is destroyed, people from the east, west, north, and south will be gathered and saved. After the destruction of Jerusalem, Jesus comes and sends angels to harvest and save those who are gathered from all directions. Have you not seen this?
Those who are blind, deaf, or prideful in heart cannot see or hear this. Only by discarding pride and repenting can one hear the words of truth. Thus, God has discarded the corrupt former era and chosen a new era, a new nation, and a new people. Now, the era of God's new kingdom, Shincheonji, the time of re-creation, has begun. Look at Revelation 21. In this place, Shincheonji, the kingdom of heaven in the spiritual realm and God have come to dwell, and we will live with God forever. Amen.
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