Protestant pastors and shepherds of Shincheonji, the Tree of Life
It is impossible to master the Book of Revelation in just six months without God, especially when theologians and pastors do not know it even if they have studied it their entire lives. In the past, during the days of the First Coming, Jesus, who came from a rural beggar village, mastered the Bible without learning it at a seminary. This was because God was with him (Jn 14:10). Today, the promised pastor, who has not been to a seminary or church, mastered the New Testament Revelation by being taught by Jesus. Shincheonji Church of Jesus (abbreviated as Shincheonji), established through him, is being persecuted for being a heretical church. However, the saints of Shincheonji have been taught at the Zion Christian Mission Center for only six months and have mastered even the fulfilled realities of the Book of Revelation that the whole world does not know. This is impossible without God, Jesus, and angels being together with them, and it is truly a topic of research in the world of Christianity.
Just like the Jerusalem pastors during the First Coming of Jesus, pastors of the ignorant traditional churches (Christianity) persecuted Shincheonji by calling it "heresy, heresy." Still, they did not know the New Testament Revelation, and Shincheonji mastered the Book of Revelation. Then who is the actual heresy? The Book of Revelation is a secret book of prophecy that is impossible to know unless God and Jesus reveal it. Also, as recorded, if one adds to or subtracts from the Book of Revelation, one cannot enter heaven and receive curses (plagues). In other words, as all Protestant theologians and pastors added and subtracted, they are the ones who cannot enter heaven. When they said 'heresy', their church members also said ‘heresy’. This would be the same religious phenomenon as in the First Coming of Jesus.
Are the false pastors who added to and subtracted from Revelation and cannot enter heaven qualified to call anyone a heresy? These false pastors! Shincheonji has the shepherd promised in the Four Gospels and Revelation of the New Testament, and they even master the physical fulfilment of Revelation. Therefore, the pastors who called Shincheonji heretical were asked to take an open Bible test based on the standard of the Book of Revelation to distinguish between orthodoxy and heresy, but none of them responded yet. This proves for themselves that they cannot win with the truth. Therefore, Shincheonji won with the truth. The shepherd and saints of Shincheonji mastered the New Testament Revelation, even its physical fulfilment, and became the Tree of Life that bears twelve crops of fruit every month. However, the Protestant pastors became false pastors by adding to or subtracting from the Book of Revelation. Those who are saved at the time of fulfilment of the Revelation are the saints of Shincheonji who are born of God's seed, harvested, sealed and registered in the 12 tribes, and who became the Tree of Life. Aren't these words correct? Amen.
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