Heaven That Is Obtained Through Sorrow, Pain, and Tears
The path to heaven is a narrow and difficult road traveled in sorrow, pain, and tears. Countless people have been martyred on this journey. At the time of the First Coming, those who were awaiting the Messiah (Savior) promised in the Old Testament actually persecuted and killed Jesus and His disciples—calling them heretics—even though Jesus was the promised Savior. The deaths of the prophets and apostles attest to this. Today, those same martyred souls look upon the reality that the promised pastor of the New Testament is also labeled a heretic and persecuted.
The believers of the New Testament era awaited the promised pastor prophesied in the Four Gospels and the Book of Revelation. Yet in our day, though this promised pastor has come, he faces persecution just as Jesus did at His First Coming. Who is doing this? The pastors of the so-called “traditional” church—Christianity—mentioned in the New Testament. And because their pastors persecute, their congregations likewise follow. Why? Because these pastors do not understand the promised words of the Four Gospels and the Book of Revelation, and thus, out of ignorance, they have misled their congregants. Consequently, these pastors have become false pastors who lead their people to hell. What excuse will they make when judgment begins today?
During Jesus’ First Coming, the pastor of that time labeled Jesus a heretic and persecuted Him, and those who believed and followed that pastor also persecuted Jesus, calling Him a heretic. Is it any different today? Hence, Shincheonji proposed that Protestants take a public Bible exam based on Revelation to distinguish truth from lies, and orthodoxy from heresy. However, not one person from the Protestant side accepted. This is because such an exam would expose their own false testimony. Therefore, Protestants must be reborn through the Word of Revelation.
According to Revelation 22:18–19, if anyone adds to or subtracts from this Revelation, they will not be able to enter heaven and receive curses (plagues). Both Protestant pastors and congregants have added to or subtracted from Revelation. Meanwhile, everyone in Shincheonji fully understands the New Testament Book of Revelation. Between Protestants and Shincheonji, who then will enter heaven? Answer this.
Saints of Shincheonji, who are you according to the Bible? Do you truly know yourselves? Shincheonji saints are the new nation and the new people of the new era promised in the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. Here, God and the spiritual heaven will come. United with the promised pastor, Shincheonji members fight against the world of falsehood, walking the narrow path to heaven. Shincheonji has won by the power of truth, and heaven and eternal life now lie before our eyes. Amen.
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