The Time of the Reality of the New Testament Revelation
At the time of the first coming, Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament and prophesied the New Testament. And he bore the cross and died on behalf of the world's sins, promising to come back again. However, at the time of the first coming, the Jews did not believe Jesus and persecuted him, who fulfilled the Old Testament, calling him ‘A heresy, a devil'. Therefore, it is obvious what the world was like at that time.
Jesus promised that the New Testament will be fulfilled in the same way as the Old Testament was fulfilled. And he prophesied that persecution would also occur during the Second Coming. Those who persecute are not non believer, but those who believe at the time of both first and second coming. And it said if you add to or subtract from the Revelation, you will not enter heaven and will be cursed. It has been about 2,000 years since it’s said. However, today's Christians have added or subtracted the New Testament Revelation. Nevertheless, pastors are pretending to know the New Testament Revelation. This is a deception of their believers. These pastors are pretending to be a true pastor by raising themselves up. But in fact they are false pastors who tell lies.
It is said that a true pastor sent by God would testify what he see and hear all the events of the Book of Revelation(Rv 22:8, 16). He is also a person who receives and eats the book of Revelation like Jesus at the time of the first coming (Rv 10), sees the reality of the Book of Revelation that Jesus accomplished and testifies it. However, the pastors have added or subtracted all the Revelation, and they did not believe the promised pastor in the Book of Revelation, and they persecuted him as heresy. The world is strange indeed. And the end of the world seems to correspond to the religious world of today.
The events of Revelation are events of betrayal, destruction, and salvation. From the time the prophecy of Revelation begins to be fulfilled, three groups—the betrayers, the destroyers, and the savior—will appear and fight in battle. Those who ultimately overcome in this battle will live forever with God in heaven in the world to come. This is the prophecy of Revelation and the reality of its fulfillment. Currently, the one who has seen all the events of Revelation (the promised pastor) is testifying to the prophecy and the reality of Revelation. Verify it for yourself.
This is the time of the reality of the New Testament's revelation. In the time of the reality, one must know the prophecy and its reality of the revelation to be saved. Let us listen to the revelation that the promised pastor testifies and believe in it to reach the salvation. Amen.
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