The Era of the Fulfillment of the Prophecies of Revelation
We are now living in the era when the prophecies of the Book of Revelation have been fulfilled. Ask yourself: Who am I according to the New Testament? Have I been created according to the Book of Revelation? Shincheonji has been created exactly according to the Revelation of the New Testament, without adding to or subtracting from it.
Just as the religious leaders in Jerusalem during Jesus’ first coming called Him heretical, even though He fulfilled the promises of the Old Testament, today Christian leaders (both Protestant and Catholic) similarly label Shincheonji heretical, even though it has been created according to the prophecies of Revelation. This is because evil spirits are working in these leaders, which blinds their eyes, ears, and hearts.
The Bible clearly states that anyone who adds to or subtracts from the words of Revelation cannot enter heaven and will be cursed (Rev 22:18-19). Shincheonji, which has been called heretical by Protestants, has mastered the Revelation. On the other hand, Protestant and Catholic churches—self-proclaimed as "orthodox"—have added to and subtracted from Revelation. Who, then, can enter heaven: Shincheonji, or Christians (Protestant and Catholic) churches? Protestant and Catholic churches today resemble the religious leaders in Jerusalem who persecuted Jesus and His disciples during His first coming. Shincheonji, in contrast, mirrors Jesus and His disciples at that time. Since adding to or subtracting from Revelation leads to curses and exclusion from heaven, Protestant and Catholic churches cannot enter heaven. These are the words of Jesus and God.
In the eyes of God, Jesus, and the Bible, who is truly heretical and destined for hell? Is it the Protestant and Catholic churches that have altered the words of Revelation, or is it Shincheonji, which has mastered Revelation? Oh foolish Galatians (Protestants and Catholics), how pitiful it is to see such counterfeit faith! Abandon blind allegiance and return to the New Testament to examine where the Lord will return and where He has prepared a place to dwell.
After the judgment of the betrayers in Rev 6, God’s throne comes to the place where the sealed 144,000 of the 12 tribes stand, as described in Rev 7 and 14. Thus, during the fulfillment of Revelation, the location where God, Jesus, and heaven will come is already determined. Where is it? It is the place where the sealed 12 tribes are gathered in Rev 7 and 14.
In this era (the time of the Lord’s second coming), only those who have been created according to the Book of Revelation—those born again through God’s seed, harvested, and sealed—can enter heaven. Believers, have you been created according to the Word of Revelation in the New Testament? Many Protestants, who have not been created according to Revelation, fail to reflect on their own condition and instead curse Shincheonji, which has been created according to Revelation, as heretical. In Mt 8:11-12, Jesus said that many will come from the east and west to take their places in heaven, while the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown into outer darkness. Therefore, we must constantly ask and confirm ‘Who am I according to the Bible?’.
The heavenly angels and the spirits of martyrs are with Shincheonji. Today, God has given Shincheonji the greatest truth in 6,000 years, and also gave the iron scepter to rule the nations. If those entrusted with the scepter remain idle, it will rust and become useless. It must be wielded to fulfill the prophecies of the New Testament. Revelation commands us to "conquer and overcome." The New Testament promises the kingdom of those who overcome and their saints. In this era of the fulfillment of the prophecies of Revelation, let us live in heaven with God and the spirits of the martyrs by being created according to the Revelation written in Jesus’ blood and master the Revelation. To do this, we must be born of God’s seed, harvested, sealed, and registered to the promised 12 tribes. This is God’s promise and the faith that aligns with His will.
Shincheonji has even challenged Korean Protestant and Catholic churches to a public test before the world to determine who holds the truth and who is heretical. Not a single person accepted this challenge. Therefore, Shincheonji has triumphed through truth. Amen.
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