Do You Know and Believe in the Physical Fulfillment of the New Testament Revelation?
Today, at the time of the Lord’s Second
Coming, the New Testament Revelation has been fulfilled. Do you know and
believe in its physical fulfillment? It seems that doctors of theology and
pastors do not truly believe in the New Testament. Just as the shepherds of
Jerusalem during Jesus’ first coming did not believe in His testimony, today’s
pastors likewise do not believe in the testimony of the promised shepherd of
the New Testament. As described in Revelation 22:8, 16, this shepherd has seen,
heard, and been commanded regarding all the events of Revelation and has
testified to them, yet they do not believe. Instead, they have added to and
taken away from Revelation. The Bible warns that anyone who adds to or takes
away from Revelation will not enter the kingdom of heaven and will face curses
(Revelation 22:18-19). Who then has the right to call others heretics after adding
to or subtracting from the words of Revelation?
Many pastors in Korea have attended
Shincheonji’s Bible Seminars and heard the testimony of the fulfillment of
Revelation. Yet, they did not believe. They are like the shepherds of Jerusalem
during Jesus’ first coming, who rejected His testimony. At the time of the
Lord’s Second Coming, as written in Luke 17 and Revelation 6 and 7, it is the
time of judgment and salvation.
During His first coming, those waiting for
the promised Messiah of the Old Testament saw Jesus and called Him a heretic.
Likewise, today’s Christian pastors call the promised shepherd of the New
Testament a heretic and persecute him, as foretold in Matthew 25. These pastors
claim that “testifying to or believing in Revelation is heresy.” But who is
truly heretical—those who add to or subtract from Revelation or those who fully
understand it? All pastors today have added to or subtracted from the words of
Revelation, and because of this, they cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Why
do they not believe in the words of Jesus? The Book of Revelation states that
betrayers, destroyers, and the savior will appear, and a war will take place.
The ultimate victor, the savior, will create the 12 tribes, and only those who
belong to these tribes will receive salvation. When pastors attending the
seminar were asked, “To which tribe do you belong?” they could not answer. Why?
Because they did not belong to any tribe.
It is written that anyone who adds to or
subtracts from the words of Revelation at the time of its fulfillment will not
enter heaven and will face curses. Have pastors and doctors of theology not added
to or subtracted from Revelation? If they have, they cannot enter heaven.
Despite this, they label their congregants as heretics for leaving their
churches to learn Revelation. To determine who is orthodox and who is heretical,
Shincheonji proposed an open Bible test before the public, based on Revelation,
to Protestant doctors of theology and pastors. However, not a single one
accepted the challenge. This is because they do not know the prophetic meaning
of Revelation or its fulfilled reality (the physical entities). As a result,
they cannot prevail in such a test. Shincheonji has triumphed with the
truth—the revealed Word. Despite this, pastors teach that Shincheonji, which
fully understands Revelation, is heretical and prevent their congregants from
leaving their churches. Who then are the spiritually deaf and blind of today?
They appear to be the pastors and congregants of Protestant churches. Why do
they not understand, even though they see and hear? Can they truly believe they
will enter heaven after adding to or subtracting from the words of Revelation?
They cannot.
Today, when the New Testament Revelation
has been fulfilled, only those who believe in its physical fulfillment can
enter the kingdom of heaven. Let us listen to and believe in the testimony of
the physical fulfillment of Revelation as proclaimed by Shincheonji so that we
may attain the hope of heaven and eternal life. In this heaven, as described in
Revelation 22, there is the tree of life that bears twelve kinds of fruit every
month. Amen. Hallelujah. Thank you.
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