Who Is Orthodox and Who Is Heretical?
In the Bible, false shepherds are compared to dogs and pigs (Isaiah 56:9-11, 2 Peter 2:20-22). These false shepherds have labeled Shincheonji as heretical to prevent their congregants from going to learn the truth at Shincheonji. Despite this, many Protestants continue to seek truth by flocking to Shincheonji, leading to its rapid growth. This is something even pastors acknowledge. A high-speed train doesn’t stop just because a mongrel dog barks.
Revelation 22:18-19 warns that those who add to or take away from Revelation cannot enter the kingdom of heaven and will receive plagues. Yet Protestant churches have all added to or subtracted from the Book of Revelation. Would they deny this? Since they have added to or taken away from Revelation, not a single person among them can enter the kingdom of heaven. Meanwhile, Shincheonji understands both the prophecies of the entire chapters of Revelation and their physical fulfillment. Shincheonji has challenged Protestant pastors to a test based on Revelation to see who is orthodox and who is heretical, but none have accepted, proving that they lack confidence to win. Thus, Shincheonji has triumphed with the truth. Amen.
Many believers have learned the Bible and practiced faith under Protestant pastors. However, none of these pastors have provided the correct answers about the promised prophecies, nor have any fully understood Revelation. Revelation 22:18-19 states that anyone who adds to or subtracts from Revelation will be unable to enter heaven and will face curses. For this reason, believers eager to understand Revelation will go wherever it is preached. However, if they seek the Word elsewhere, they are labeled as “traitors” or “heretics.” If they leave their own church to find truth, they’re branded as traitors. If they remain in their church, which either does not teach or misinterprets Revelation, they become someone who adds to or takes away from it. What, then, should they do?
Matthew 24 speaks of Jesus returning after the destruction of Jerusalem and gathering His “elect” from the four winds through His angels. Should people go, or should they stay? Even though many religious leaders today have added to or subtracted from Revelation, they keep their congregants from leaving and accuse those who do of heresy.
Jesus said that anyone who adds to or takes away from the words of Revelation cannot enter heaven and will face curses, while pastors claim those who leave their churches are heretics. Then, what should one do? “Lord, please provide an answer.” The answer lies in following the guidance of Matthew 24 and Revelation 22.
Jesus prophesied that, when Revelation is fulfilled, a promised shepherd will appear. At this time, one must obey Jesus’ words and follow this promised shepherd. However, if someone is ignorant of the New Testament prophecies and fails to recognize this promised shepherd, or if they are unable to overcome the resistance of false shepherds, they won’t be able to follow. Therefore, one must trust in Jesus’ promised words and follow the promised shepherd. Although it’s the time of Jesus’ return, Satan is said to be more active than ever, so it’s essential to stay within the word of God. Without the Word, one cannot escape false shepherds. To enter into the word of God now is like entering Noah’s ark. Therefore, one must remain in the Word at all times. Such a person is a true believer.
Those who understand and believe the four gospels in the New Testament, especially Matthew 24, and the entire chapters of Revelation will overcome the great tribulation of the end of the age at Jesus’ second coming and enter into hope. All members of Shincheonji master Revelation, while Protestant churches have all added to or taken away from it. Between these two, who is orthodox, and who is heretical? Who will enter heaven, and who will go to hell? Shincheonji is orthodox and will receive salvation to enter heaven. Amen. Long live Shincheonji.
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