The Sowing of God's Seed, Harvest, and the Re-Creation of the 12 Tribes
At his first coming, Jesus said that to enter the kingdom of heaven, one must be born again of water (the water of life, that is, God's Word) and the Holy Spirit (Jn 3:3-5). Jesus sowed God’s seed as promised from Jer 31, and he promised to return to harvest the ripened fruit of that seed (Mt 13:30, Mt 24:29-31, Rv 14:14-16). Jesus who fulfilled all of the Old Testament (Jn 19:30) made a new covenant (New Testament), took on the sins of the world, and left. Also, Jesus promised to return to fulfill the New Testament, and promised in Rv 21:6 that all the New Testament Revelation will also be fulfilled.
It has now been about 2,000 years since Jesus left. After leaving, he gave Revelation in vision to John, who was exiled on the island of Patmos, and John recorded this Revelation from chapters 1 to 22.
The core message of Revelation is that Jesus will return to harvest and seal those born again of God’s seed, creating and re-create God’s promised kingdom of the 12 tribes, where the spiritual heaven, God, and Jesus will dwell together. Today, Revelation has been fulfilled, and the promised new kingdom, the 12 tribes of Shincheonji, has been re-created. Revelation states (Rv 22:18-19) that if one adds to or subtracts from it, one cannot enter heaven and will receive curses (plagues). Shincheonji has mastered Revelation.
Haven’t the pastors of the world added to and subtracted from Revelation? Though it has been about 2,000 years since it was recorded, no one in heaven or on earth has fully understood its meaning. Yet, the traditional Christian pastors label anything outside their denomination as heresy. Since they have added to and subtracted from Revelation, they will not enter heaven and will face judgment. However, Shincheonji masters both the prophecy and the physical fulfillment of Revelation. Verify this.
Now, Shincheonji is equipped with the ability to overcome any unlawful opposition, and with the Bible, can overcome the world of falsehood. In the era of the New Testament Revelation’s fulfillment, only Shincheonji, as promised in the New Testament, receives salvation. This is testified by God and the Bible. Shincheonji is proclaiming the prophecies and their realities of all chapters of Revelation free of cost, and it is where God and heaven dwell. This is stated in Rv 7 and 14. Verify this.
Anyone who hears the testimony of Shincheonji and still calls it heresy has the spirit of the devil together with them. What Shincheonji testifies is what was seen and heard about the physical realities of what fulfilled according to the prophecy, so it is not a false testimony. This is the pride of Shincheonji.
At his first coming, Jesus sowed God's seed (Mt 13), and at his return, he harvested the ripened fruit of that seed, sealed them, and re-created the 12 tribes of Shincheonji (Rv 7, 14). Let us hear and understand Shincheonji’s testimony of the fulfillment of the New Testament Revelation, and belong to the 12 tribes of Shincheonji and attain heaven and eternal life. Amen.
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