Previous Corrupt Era and the New Era (Rv 21)
From the time of Adam until today, whenever an era became corrupt, God would end that era and began a new one. Looking at biblical history, there was an era of the law, and there is now the era of the new covenant. After the time of the law of Moses, there came the era of the law of freedom with Jesus at His first coming, and now we are in the era of the new covenant (Lk 22:14-20).
The new covenant is the covenant that will be fulfilled at the time of Jesus' Second Coming, which is the time of the fulfillment of Revelation. It is written that if anyone adds to or subtracts from this new covenant—the book of Revelation—they will not enter heaven and will be cursed (Rv 22:18-19). Though Revelation is a book of only 13 chapters and was written about 2,000 years ago, no one in heaven or on earth has known its meaning until now. The time of its fulfillment is the time of Jesus' Second Coming. Just as Jesus ate the open scroll of the Old Testament and testified it to the people of Israel at His first coming (Ezk 3; Mt 15:24), so at the Second Coming, the Promised Pastor will eat the open book of Revelation (Rv 10), see and hear all the events from Revelation 1 to 22, and testify to the churches what he has seen and heard (Rv 22:8, 16). At that time, many false prophets will also appear (Mt 24). It is said that this time will be like the days of Noah and Lot (Lk 17:26-30), meaning that a corrupted era will end, and a new one will be created, just as in Noah’s time (Rv 6, 7). Those who believe and are saved will be few, just as in Noah’s day. Only those who boarded the ark, like Noah’s family of eight, were saved (1 Pet 3:20).
Where is the ark at the time of Revelation’s fulfillment? It is in the place that Protestants call heretical. Those who are ignorant and have added to or taken away from the New Testament and Revelation will not understand it, even if they hear and see it. But those who know the meaning of Revelation will know where this ark of salvation is. The ark promised in the New Testament is found in the Book of Revelation. Though many pastors boast of being saved, they do not know where the ark of salvation is. It is in the Book of Revelation. If one masters the Book of Revelation, they will know where the ark of salvation is.
There is a reason why many believers are gathering to Shincheonji so quickly. Despite Protestants pouring out persecution like water, Shincheonji is growing rapidly because the Lord is with us and because there is the word of truth.
Today, like the days of Noah, the corrupt previous era has come to an end, and a new era is being recreated (Rv 6, 7, 21:1). Only those who realize Revelation and seek the Shincheonji ark, the new kingdom of this new era, will be saved. Amen.
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