God's Religion. Judgment of the World
In Noah's time, the entire world was judged, and everyone perished except for Noah's family of eight. Likewise, during the Second Coming, at the fulfillment of Revelation, there will also be judgment. At the time of judgment, according to Revelation chapters 7 and 14, all except the 144,000 from the twelve tribes and the great multitude will face judgment. In the time of Noah judgment came through water; however, Revelation 18 states that during the fulfillment of Revelation, in the time of the Lord’s Second Coming, judgment will come through fire. Do you believe this?
In the time of Noah's flood, Noah's ark was the refuge. Then, where is the ark to take refuge during the fiery judgment in Revelation? It is in the place where the throne of God and the twelve tribes of the sealed are, as described in Revelation 7 and 14. Those who know and believe in Revelation will surely know where this place is.
In the New Testament’s Book of Revelation, those who read it know there is a war between good and evil and a judgment by fire. God, foreseeing this time of judgment in Revelation, provided a place of refuge for those to be saved. That is why He commanded in Revelation 22 not to add to or take away from Revelation. Those who have not added to or taken away from Revelation and are sealed will know where the ark, the place of refuge in the judgment of Revelation, is.
This is the place where God's throne is, the gathering of the firstfruits, where the new song is sung, and where the 144,000 sealed gather. The four Gospels also record events of the last days in detail. Therefore, no one can claim, "I didn’t know," "I didn’t see," or "I didn’t hear." In Luke 17, this time of judgment is likened to the days of Noah. Shincheonji has also repeatedly proclaimed this. However, traditional church pastors claimed they are the orthodoxy and called Shincheonji a cult, ignoring and refusing to believe Shincheonji's testimony just as people did during Jesus' first coming. What should be done? Now, all that remains is God’s judgment.
Each of the twelve tribes of the sealed in Shincheonji has a duty. It is something each person must understand, believe, keep, and strive for to attain salvation. Salvation is a precious thing that cannot be bought with money or power.
It is written that anyone who adds to or takes away from Revelation will be cursed and unable to enter Heaven. Yet why did Protestantism and Catholicism add to and take away from Revelation for so long? Even though Shincheonji has provided testimony to the word of Revelation, they did not believe and labeled Shincheonji as heretical. Is this statement false? Shincheonji has proposed multiple times to Protestantism and Catholicism to take a public Bible test to see who the real heretic is. However, not a single pastor accepted this proposal. Why did they not accept the challenge to test whether what they consume is the fruit of the tree of life (the tree that bears twelve kinds of fruit each month for eternal life) or the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
At the fulfillment of Revelation, those who have consumed the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil given by the beast with seven heads and ten horns, calls Shincheonji a cult. Shincheonji is the tree of life mentioned in Revelation 22, which bears twelve kinds of fruit each month, and its leaves are for the healing of nations. Who among those who do not recognize this has the right to call anyone a cult? These people are even more wicked than the Pharisee pastors of Matthew 23 at Jesus’ first coming.
At the fulfillment of Revelation, it is those born of God’s seed, harvested, sealed, and registered with the twelve tribes who will be saved. Revelation tells in detail who will come and what testimony they will give. The promised pastor of Shincheonji, just as in Revelation 1, was chosen by Jesus. Jesus showed him all the events of Revelation and commanded him to testify to the churches (Rev 22:8, 16).
The promised pastor testified Revelation (prophecies and fulfillment) to the churches as instructed. Nevertheless, Protestant and Catholic pastors neither saw, heard, nor believed it. Yet they falsely claimed that they would be saved. Their sins will be exposed before all on the day of judgment.
Shincheonji has fully mastered even the fulfillment of the New Testament's Book of Revelation. Confirm it for yourself. Shincheonji has conquered the whole world with the truth. Amen.
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