I have left all the things of the world to gain the things of heaven
The things of heaven are God’s heart. When I become one with God, for I will be in Him and He will be within me, I will be able to say that I have fulfilled all my hopes. God is great, greater than the universe. If I am in God and God in me, I can have the heart and will of God. Even if the world belonged to me, it would not be enough to fill my heart. Therefore, I left all the things of the world to gain the things of heaven.
My grandfather often said I was born of the heavens (dream). So my Father is in the highest place, the heavens. Since my grandfather has said I was born of heaven, heaven is my home. I would like to go to my home. To that place high above.
God created heaven and earth and all things, and created them (humans, animals, plants) male and female and said to be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it. This is why he created male and female. Also in Mt 7, He says you must do according to His will to receive salvation, and He called those who chased away evil spirits in Jesus' name workers of lawlessness (see Mt 7:21-23).
Jesus sowed God's seed in the First Coming, promised what he would fulfill, and bore the cross and the sins of all people. This is the new covenant, and the new covenant is Revelation that will be fulfilled. If you add to or take away from Revelation, you cannot go to heaven but will be cursed (destroyed).
It has been about 2,000 years since this book, the book of Revelation, was written. However, to this day, no one in heaven and earth has mastered the book of Revelation. The book of Revelation is a prophecy that will be fulfilled, and when it is fulfilled, the realities of the prophecy will appear. Those who master the book of Revelation will also know the realities and be able to testify to them.
When the new covenant Revelation is fulfilled, there is one person chosen by God who sees and hears the events of all chapters like Revelation 1:1~2, Revelation chapter 10, Revelation 22:8,16. At this time, the three entities who are the fulfilled realities of Revelation – the betrayers, the destroyers, and the savior – all appear and engage in war. You must fight and win at this time. Also, those who are born from the two seeds sown at the First Coming appear and fight. In this war, since those who are born of God’s seed win, they harvest and seal the ripe fruit of the seed (God’s seed) sown in Jesus’ field (church) and create the 12 tribes. God and heaven come down to this place and a great wedding feast of spirit and flesh takes place. These are the promised events of the last days.
If you add to or subtract from this book, you will not be able to enter haven but will be cursed.
“Pastors on earth, haven’t you added to and subtracted from this book? Those who add or subtract cannot enter heaven. Also, the sons of the kingdom will be thrown into the outer darkness and weep, and at this time, only those who come from the east and west, are harvested, sealed, and created as the 12 tribes will welcome heaven and God and enter heaven (Mt 8:11-12).”
To enter heaven, one must be (1) born of God’s seed, (2) harvested, (3) sealed, and (4) registered in the 12 tribes of the promised kingdom. God and heaven will come down to the 12 tribes. Having seen and heard of this, you cannot say you do not know it. A true believer would have checked whether they are who the Bible speaks of, whether they were truly created according to the Bible, and whether they were harvested, sealed and registered in the 12 tribes.
Have you been created according to the new covenant, Revelation? Only those who are created according to the New Testament Revelation can enter heaven (ref. Rv 22:18-19). You must ask yourself, ‘Who am I according to Revelation? Am I truly created according to Revelation?’ Simply saying “I believe” does not guarantee entry into heaven. Also, even if one says he has gained everything in the world, that does not grant access to heaven. One must be born again and recreated according to Revelation to enter into heaven.
This heaven is the new kingdom and new people of the 12 tribes created according to the promise of Revelation. Amen. Let us become one with Jesus according to the new covenant. This, of course, means becoming one with the returning Jesus.
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