The Small and Narrow Road to the Kingdom of Heaven and Carrying out the New Covenant
God exerted great effort through prophets and apostles to save His rebellious people. However, the devil and those born of the devil’s seed desperately blocked the path of faith for the prophets, apostles, and saints who belonged to God, went so far as to kill them (Mt 23), and constantly made God’s people betray and be destroyed. Therefore, one can have the kingdom of heaven and eternal life by persevering to the end and fighting and overcoming the devil (Rv 12:10-11). This is why it says that the road to the kingdom of heaven is small and narrow (Mt 7:13-14).
In order to restore His kingdom, God promised through the Old Testament prophets that two kinds of seed would be sown and that He would make a new covenant (Jer 31). The two kinds of seed in Mt 13 were sown in the church of Jesus at the time of the first coming and grew together until the time of the harvest (Mt 13:24-30). The time of the harvest is the end of the age and the harvesters are the angels (Mt 13:39). Therefore, at the time of the harvest—which is the end of the age, or, the end of the church of Jesus—Jesus and the angels come together to harvest (Mt 24:29-31). It says that at this time, those born of God’s seed are harvested and go to God’s kingdom, while those born of the devil’s seed are not harvested and are tied up in their own churches until they are judged and enter hell, the fiery lake of burning sulfur (Mt 13:37-43). However, those who have received the spirit of the devil do not believe this fact but are only passionate about persecuting those born of God’s seed. What shall be done about this?
Jesus made the new covenant when he came for his first coming (Lk 22:14-20), and today, the time of his second coming, is the time of the fulfillment of the new covenant, Revelation. At this time, anyone who does not believe the fulfillment of Revelation even after seeing it will not enter the kingdom of heaven, but will receive curses (plagues) (Rv 22:18-19).
The time of the New Covenant Revelation’s fulfillment is the time of the re-creation of God’s kingdom. At the time of Revelation’s fulfillment, all of the prophecies in the four gospels of the New Testament and the fulfilled realities of Revelation appear. The betrayers, destroyers, and savior appear and fight each other, all claiming to be the truth, and the 12 tribes are created through the savior’s victory. This is the work of re-creation. This re-creation takes place in Rv 7 after the event of judgment in Rv 6, and the 12 tribes are created with those who have been sealed with God’s word. This place is a new heaven and new earth (Shincheonji), and it is where Jesus and the angels come (Rv 21). At the time of Revelation’s fulfillment, only the 12 tribes of Shincheonji are saved, enter the kingdom of heaven, and attain eternal life.
Even now, God’s people are fighting against the enemy. The road to the kingdom of heaven may be small and narrow, but by fighting and overcoming to the end, one will have the kingdom of heaven and salvation. Also, just as it the kingdom of heaven and eternal life were promised to those who heard and believed Jesus’ word of life at the first coming, today, the time of the second coming, anyone who believes and keeps the revealed word that testifies the fulfilled realities of Revelation that Jesus fulfilled can attain the kingdom of heaven and eternal life. This is carrying out the new covenant. Amen.
I was oblivious to the meaning of large parts of the Bible until I came across the revealed theology from Shincheonji Church of Jesus and Chairman Lee #Shincheonjichurch