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The Fulfillment of Revelation, the New Covenant Made in Jesus' Blood

The Fulfillment of Revelation, the New Covenant Made in Jesus' Blood

Jesus made the new covenant in his blood on the night of the Passover and said that he would eat and drink the blood and flesh of the lamb—the Passover meal of salvation—again when he fulfills the Passover in the Father’s kingdom (Lk 22:14-20). At the time of Moses, the Israelites were saved when they ate the blood and flesh of the Passover lamb (the blood they put on the doors and the flesh they ate) when they left Egypt. The blood and flesh of the lamb Jesus mentions in Lk 22:14-20 is the blood and flesh of Jesus seen in Jn 6. This new covenant is fulfilled at the time of Revelation’s fulfillment. 

“Pastors of the Protestant Church, the new covenant Revelation has been fulfilled today. It says that if one adds to or subtracts from Revelation, or if one does not eat it, then he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven but will receive curses (plagues) (Rv 22:18-19). Have you not added to or subtracted from this new covenant? Shincheonji has mastered the new covenant Revelation today. The book of Revelation is the true food of eternal life that one must eat in order to be saved at the time of Revelation’s fulfillment, which is the time of the Lord’s second coming, and it is the Passover meal at this time. Yet, why do you not eat Revelation, the Passover meal given at the proper time at the time of the fulfillment of the new covenant? The new covenant Jesus promised in his blood is a covenant that has been made with us today, and at this time, the Passover meal that he promised is the food of eternal life given at the proper time today, the time of Revelation’s fulfillment; it is Jesus’ flesh and blood. Jesus’ flesh and blood is the living bread that came down from heaven that he mentions in Jn 6, that is, the revealed word that gives eternal life (Ref. Jn 6:47-48).”

Revelation, which Jesus fulfilled when he made his second coming today, is the flesh and blood of the Lamb Jesus, that is, it is Jesus’ revealed word, that one must eat at this time—the time of Revelation’s fulfillment—to be saved. The one who saw the fulfilled realities of the events of the entire book when the book of Revelation was fulfilled is New John (Rv 22:8); the one who received and ate the open book in Rv 10 is New John; and the pastor whom Jesus promised to send is also New John (Rv 22:16). Therefore, the one who brings the word of the new covenant Revelation (its prophecies and revealed word), which is the food of eternal life, is also New John. This word is the water of life that gives eternal life sip by sip. As it says that one cannot enter the kingdom of heaven but will be cursed if he adds to or subtracts from Revelation, let us receive the testimony of the revealed word from the promised pastor New John and be saved.


  1. I was oblivious to the meaning of large parts of the Bible until I came across the revealed theology from Shincheonji Church of Jesus and Chairman Lee #Shincheonjichurch


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