The History of Christianity at the First Coming and the Second Coming
- The One Who Prepares the Way and the Promised Pastor -
The one who prepared the way at the time of the first coming was John the Baptist. The ones who prepared the way at the time of the second coming were the seven messengers of the church of the seven golden lampstands in Rv 1, 2, and 3. The Bible proves this.
After the one who prepares the way appears and works, then the promised pastor appears. The one who prepared the way testified that the promised pastor would come soon. If so, then the saints waiting for the Lord needed to have met the Lord who comes as promised. Jesus came in the flesh at the time of the first coming, and he came as a spirit and worked through flesh (a man) at the time of the second coming. The Old and New Testament Bibles testify about this. Therefore, the saints must meet the Lord who comes according to the word of promise in the new covenant.
Whether at the time of the first coming or the time of the second coming, if one does not know the word of promise, then he will not be able to recognize the coming Lord. If one intends to know and realize [who] the coming Lord [is] well, then he must know the word of promise. However, the saints who wait for the Lord did not know the word of promise, so they did not know the coming Lord. The one who prepares the way came first in order to make known the Lord who comes after him. However, at both the time of the first coming and the time of the second coming, the ones who prepared the way did not teach well. Why did they not teach clearly?
John the Baptist at the time of the first coming doubted Jesus, who had come (Mt 11), and the seven messengers of the tabernacle of the seven golden lampstands in Rv 2-3, who were those who prepared the way at the time of the second coming, also did not testify clearly about the Lord of the second coming, but instead only committed the sin of sexual immorality with Satan’s Nicolaitans, and were therefore scolded by Jesus to “repent and fight and overcome Satan’s group.”
At both the time of the first coming and the time of the second coming, the one who prepared the way came first, and the work of Satan invading that place occurred, as did war.
At the time of Revelation’s fulfillment, the first tabernacle (the Tabernacle Temple), which was the tabernacle that prepared the way, betrayed like in Rv 13, and because the one who fought and overcame the dragon’s (Satan’s) group in Rv 12 appeared, from that time on God’s kingdom and salvation came to be. This is why Jesus said, “overcome, overcome.” Are you listening carefully to these words? Even if a church is made of gold, a church that does not have God or Jesus is merely a church of Satan. As seen in Rv 12 and 15, God and Jesus are with the promised pastor, the one who overcomes. Those who believe Rv 10, 12, and 15 will find the place where the one who overcomes is.
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