The Testimony of the Fulfillment of the Prophecies of the Book of Revelation
God wrote the book of Revelation, and He was holding it in His hand after sealing it by putting seven seals on it. Hence, there had been no one in heaven or on earth who understood the prophecies of this book (Rv 5:1-3). However, today, after approximately 2,000 years have passed since it had been written, Jesus took this book (Rv 5:7), removed all of the seven seals, and fulfilled the prophecies written in the book, and their actual entities appeared as a result. See and verify this.
I am the one who saw and heard all of the events of Rv 1-22 at Jesus’ side when he fulfilled this book, Revelation (Rv 22:8). Thus, I am the messenger Jesus sent to the churches to testify about what I have seen and heard (Rv 22:16).
It says that if one adds to or subtracts from this book, Revelation, then he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven but will receive curses (plagues). Despite this, all of the traditional churches, such as the Protestant Church, have added to and subtracted from this book, Revelation. So, even if it is right now, they will need to try to enter the kingdom of heaven by realizing and believing in this book’s word of prophecy and its fulfilled realities. The only place that masters this book is Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. Therefore, the traditional churches will receive salvation only by getting rid of their pride, lowering themselves, and learning the words of this book from Shincheonji, believing in them, and becoming one [with Shincheonji]. Take this to heart.
The traditional churches will say that I am arrogant when they read this article, but I speak the truth, and as the messenger sent to go and testify what I have seen and heard, I preach [what I have seen and heard]. Acting according to Rv 22:8 and 16 is keeping the promise [made] with Jesus. Thus, the churches must listen to the words of this promised messenger.
Shincheonji has not added to or subtracted from Revelation but has mastered it. However, all of the pastors and congregation members of the Protestant Church have added and subtracted (Rv 22:18-19). Therefore, they cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Are these words also lies? Aren’t they facts?
Also, the Protestant Church has not been harvested, but Shincheonji has been harvested. Moreover, [the members of] the Protestant Church are the subjects of the kingdom who have been thrown outside into the darkness, but [the members of] Shincheonji are those who have been harvested from the east and west (Mt 8:11-12). Then, between Shincheonji and the Protestant Church, who would receive salvation? Shincheonji is the new heaven and new earth, whereas the Protestant Church is the first heaven and first earth (Rv 21). Who would receive salvation? Shincheonji has preached the truth according to promise, whereas the Protestant Church has persecuted. Who would receive salvation? Shincheonji has been created according to the New Covenant Revelation, whereas the Protestant Church is a traditional church. Who would be the truth? Shincheonji has not added to or subtracted from Revelation, but the Protestant Church has added to and subtracted from Revelation. Which is the one that has acted according to God’s will? Shincheonji has fought and overcome the enemy. It overcame with Jesus’ blood and the word of testimony.
All of the traditional churches, such as the Protestant Church, let us become those who enter the kingdom of heaven by repenting and being born again of water and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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