The Saints of Shincheonji, Who Have Mastered the Greatest Truth in Mankind
Shincheonji has been created according to the New Covenant Revelation. Just as if having been stamped. Verify with the Bible whether these words are facts or not. Also, Shincheonji possess the greatest Biblical knowledge in the world of mankind. Additionally, since God and the kingdom of heaven will soon come to Shincheonji, [its members] are preparing diligently in spirit and flesh. Hence, each tribe and each church in Shincheonji, as well as each of the organizations affiliated with Shincheonji, are ceaselessly, frequently taking test after test and are verifying again and again whether or not they have been perfectly sealed.
All of the saints of Shincheonji have become walking Bibles. There is no greater truth under heaven than Shincheonji’s revealed word. Shincheonji itself is the word. The words of the Bible and the saints of Shincheonji are not separate, but the word and the saints of Shincheonji have united and become one. Hence, Shincheonji has suggested numerous times to the Protestant Church to take an exam based on the Bible before the public together. However, an answer from the Protestant Church has yet to come. God is one being, and the Bible is also the same, one [thing]. Therefore, those who believe this are one in God and the Bible. Let us not build walls in our hearts, but let us open the doors [of our hearts] and become one.
One cannot say regarding God or the word, “it is mine, it is yours.” Calling those who believe in God and His word heresy is calling God heresy. Shincheonji masters all of the New Covenant Revelation. If [we] were to take a test on the Bible with the Protestant Church, then [the fact] that Shincheonji’s revealed word is the truth would be revealed more certainly. Shincheonji has made this truth known to the whole world through YouTube (the online revealed word seminars). However, there has not yet been a person who has pointed out anything incorrect. Hence, like Jesus, Shincheonji overcame the world.
“All Christians, let us become one in our God and His word. We must become one. God wants this.”
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