The Difference Between the Land of Canaan and the City of New Jerusalem
Physical Israel’s hope was to leave Egypt and enter the land of Canaan, and Spiritual Israel’s hope is to leave the kingdom of the world and enter the kingdom of heaven (the city of New Jerusalem). This is the hope of Physical Israel and the hope of Spiritual Israel, and this is God’s promise.
There are two kinds of kingdom of heaven: one is the kingdom of heaven in the spiritual world, and the other is the kingdom of heaven in the physical world. The kingdom of heaven in the spiritual world is the world of spirit, and the kingdom of heaven in the physical world is the world of flesh. The kingdom of heaven in heaven (the spiritual world) that believers desire—the city of New Jerusalem—and God will come to the kingdom of heaven in the physical world. This place is the city of New Jerusalem on this earth.
As seen in Rv 19, Jesus and the kingdom of heaven coming to and becoming one with the world of flesh is the marriage of spirit and flesh. Before this, it was the world of the devil in which the devil and man had been living together, but by this world of the devil being judged and coming to an end in Rv 18, the marriage of spirit and flesh through which the saints who believe in the Lord and the spirits in heaven become one takes place in Rv 19, and it becomes the world over which the Creator reigns. This is just like when our country (Korea) became independent and was liberated from being under gentile rule. Until now, the world has been under the rule of Satan, but now the Creator will rule. This is God’s victory.
As seen in Genesis, God told man, which He made, to be fruitful, increase in number, fill the earth, subdue the earth, and rule over it. This is the blessing God gave, and those who belonged to God had ruled over the world. The Lord who created heaven and earth is God, and the devil is one who betrayed God and deceived the man of God, Adam, to take possession of all creation for himself. Due to this event of betrayal, God has been gone from the world for 6,000 years. Therefore, God has been at war with the devil for 6,000 years until today in order to take back what is His. The 66 books of the Bible are what made this fact known to people.
The war in Revelation is God’s last war. In this Revelation, the great war between the spirit and flesh who belong to God and the spirit and flesh who belong to the devil is recorded. At this time, [God’s will] being fulfilled on this earth exactly as it has been fulfilled in heaven takes place as a result of those who belong to God being victorious. Let us unite in heart and mind (as one) for the achievement of this objective (goal) of God.
Those who belong to God on this earth are the new kingdom and new people promised in the Bible, and those who belong to the devil are the enemies spoken of in the New Testament Bible. One must distinguish them. The people in these two organizations (affiliations) appeared among those who believe in God at both the time of Jesus’ first coming and the time of his second coming. The New Testament Bible testifies about this. Today, the Christians who belong to Satan instead called the pastor God sent heresy and persecuted him. However, due to the child born from the woman clothed in the sun (the promised pastor) and his brothers fighting and overcoming the dragon’s group in chapter 12 of the New Covenant Revelation, only then did God’s kingdom come to be, did salvation come to be, and was Satan, that is, the dragon, who had invaded the heaven tabernacle in Rv 2, kicked out. The place where the overcomers in Rv 12 gathered is the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in Rv 15, and because God is with this place, God and the word come out of this place, and the events of Revelation are also testified here. God described in this much detail in Rv 12 and 15 the place with which He is.
Even so, like the words of Jn 8, one having nothing to do with the word of promise, turning away from God’s word, and opposing is the proof that he belongs to the devil. Hence, today, Shincheonji has suggested to the pastors of this world to determine who is true by taking a 100-question test on the New Covenant Revelation together before the public. However, no matter how many years have passed, not a single person has accepted. If that is the case, then shouldn’t they not persecute?
God’s true word comes out of the place where God and Jesus are. Those who have taught the saints this revealed word that cannot be added to or subtracted from, that is, the true meanings of the prophecies of Revelation and their fulfillment, after adding to and subtracting from it are those who do not have the qualifications to be pastors of God. Then, they would need to visit and learn from the place that testifies this revealed word and even this word’s fulfilled realities so as to make it known to the saints without adding or subtracting. God gave this word of testimony to the promised pastor in order for him to go to the churches and testify about this revealed word and that which he has seen and heard (Rv 22:8, 16). This is the will [God] intended to fulfill in Revelation. If one has added to and subtracted from Revelation, then he will need to acknowledge [that] honestly, go to and learn from the place that masters Revelation, teach his saints, and have his saints see and believe that the true God is alive and [see and believe] the fulfilled realities He fulfilled.
As seen in Rv 21, the first heaven and first earth pass away like in Rv 6 and a new heaven and new earth are created like in Rv 7 and 14. The kingdom of heaven in the spiritual world (the city of New Jerusalem) and God come to this place. This place is the city of New Jerusalem that is fulfilled on this earth. Today, believers will need to go to this place to live. This is the action of those who believe in the new covenant. Obey.
The Chairman of Shincheonji
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