[Shincheonji Church] What Kind of Book is the Book of Revelation?
The book of Revelation is the book that God had been holding after sealing it with seven seals. Hence, although it has been approximately 2,000 years or so since this book had been recorded, there has been no one in heaven and earth who knew the meaning of this book (Rv 5:1-3). Are these words not facts?
It says that if one adds to or subtracts from what has been written in this book, Revelation, then he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven but will receive curses (plagues) (Rv 22:18-19). Then, even if one is a Christian, anyone who does not know the meaning of this book cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. However, Christians think that they will enter the kingdom of heaven if they just believe in Jesus, and they are carrying out blind lives of faith. Aren’t these words also facts?
Today, after approximately 2,000 years have passed since Revelation had been recorded, Jesus received the book sealed with seven seals from God (Rv 5:7), removed the seals, opened [the book], and fulfilled the prophecies recorded in the book. Just as Jesus received and ate the opened book like in Ez 3 and preached the fulfillment of the Old Testament to the people of Israel at the time of the first coming (Jn 19:30, Mt 15:24), today, which is the time of Revelation’s fulfillment and the time of the second coming, there is someone who sees and preaches all of what Jesus fulfilled of the New Covenant Revelation. Yet, why do you not listen to or believe his testimony?
At both the time of the first coming and the time of the second coming, believers carry out lives of faith in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. However, pastors and their congregation members who say that they believe in God persecuted the one who preached the truth (the revealed word) at both the time of Jesus’ first coming and the time of his second coming. How do they persecute so well, when they do not know either the Bible or Revelation? This is because the devil god, who is God’s enemy, entered and works in them. Even more so, because the time of Revelation’s fulfillment is the time when the devil, that is, the dragon, comes to an end, he would be evil more vicious. Do you not know despite seeing [this]?
I ask each pastor and their congregation members. Do you master the New Covenant Revelation? Have you acted according to the meaning recorded in Revelation? Answer. Why do you not accept taking a 100-question test on Revelation? Shincheonji fought and overcame the dragon’s group with Jesus’ blood and the word of testimony (Rv 12). Who is true and who is fake?
Those who do not know God’s will, that is, the truth (the New Covenant Revelation), would leave Shincheonji. However, there has not been a single saint who has said, “I am leaving because Shincheonji is false.” Verify [this].
Today, Jesus received and opened the book sealed with seven seals, fulfilled the book’s prophecies, fed the opened book in Rv 10 to the one who saw at his side what he had fulfilled, and told him to go and testify it to the churches. Yet, why do you again not believe the words of this book, Jesus, or the messenger sent to the churches? If, by chance, there is anything the messenger who has been sent testified incorrectly, then one will need to point it out with the words of the Bible.
Pastors of the Protestant Church in Korea, why do you persecute unconnectedly? As seen in Revelation, there is a time of judgment, there is a time when the first heaven and first earth pass away, and there is also a time when a new heaven and new earth (Shincheonji) are created. Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony has been created according to Revelation. Verify [this].
As written, it says that the first heaven and first earth pass away, the subjects of the kingdom are thrown outside into the darkness, and those who have been harvested from the east and west take their places (sit) in the kingdom of heaven (Mt 8:11-12). Do you believe these words?
Nowhere in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible does it say, “It is alright even if one does not know the Bible, and he enters the kingdom of heaven as long as he is good at persecuting.” What would you answer at the time of judgment? Shincheonji is the place that testifies the New Covenant Revelation, and it is the place that corrects false testimony with true testimony. The saints around the world are gathering like clouds after hearing that the true word of testimony (the revealed word) is in Shincheonji. However, the Protestant Church does not have the revealed word. Moreover, they have added to and subtracted from all of Revelation. This is what the pastors and saints of the Protestant Church said. If the pastors first come to Shincheonji and learn the word and then go back and teach their saints, then the saints would not go to other churches (denominations, religious bodies). The saints go to other churches in order to know the New Covenant Revelation (the meaning of its prophecies and its fulfilled realities).
Shincheonji overflows with saints due to its rapid growth. They are gathering like clouds. We will do another 100,000 graduation this year, too. Listen to what Pastor Jeon, the former president of the Christian Counsel of Korea (the CCK), said. Who would be attached to that place? Despite this, is the CCK orthodoxy and Shincheonji a cult, even though it speaks the truth? This is the devil’s calculation method.
Let us know and believe in the truth. I mean, the actual truth. Life is inside the truth (Jn 1:4), but poison that kills people’s spirits is inside falsehood. Thus, one must be careful.
The book of Revelation is a book of prophecy about re-creation, and today, Revelation has been 80-90% fulfilled. It says that one cannot enter the kingdom of heaven if he adds to or subtracts from Revelation. Today, if one intends to receive salvation, then he must believe in and keep the revealed word of Revelation’s fulfillment. Amen.
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